Define The Cohort:

Graduation Year:

Other Options:

Compute Salary As a:

Bubble Chart And Sankey Filters:

Years Since Graduation:

Academic Year Graduates
The salary over time chart show's the overall salary on the y-axis and the number of years since graduation on the x-axis for the filtered population.

The salary values are computed using the following criteria:
  • The estimated salary for each graduate is computed by:
    Full_Salary = Partial_Salary * 4 / Quarters_Employed
  • If the Full_Salary is less than $13,500, the graduate is either part time or making less than minimum wage. Therefore, this graduate's salary will be excluded.
The title bar for the chart is a text field. Here programs, cips, institutions, sectors and degree levels can be searched for and added to the line chart. This allows drilldown capability to see the salary over time of a specific subset of the currently defined graduate population.

The salaries are either computed as a median or a mean depending on what is selected in the options menu.
The employment rate over time chart show's the overall full time New Mexico employment rate on the y-axis and the number of years since graduation on the x-axis for the filtered population.

The employment rate is computed as the number full time New Mexico employees over the total size of the filtered population.

A graduate is considered employed if their estimated salary is greater than $13,500.
The estimated salary is computed by: Partial_Salary * 4 / Quarters_Employed

The title bar for the chart is a text field. Here programs, cips, institutions, sectors and degree levels can be searched for and added to the line chart. This allows drilldown capability to see the salary over time of a specific subset of the currently defined graduate population.

Employment Rate vs Salary

Breakdown by sector, institution, program, and CIP
This bubble chart follows the salary and employment rate rules described for the previous two charts. Each bubble can be expanded through several levels of educational structure. These are described below:
  • Institutional Sectors (e.g. Research University, Branch Campus, ..)
  • Institutions (e.g. UNM, NMSU, NMT ..)
  • Program Area (e.g. Engineering / tech / computer science, ..)
  • CIP Code (e.g. Chemical engineering, Civil engineering, ..)
The graph button on the upper right hand corner of this chart opens a drilldown menu.
(Hover over a bubble to drilldown)

Institutional Sectors

This sunburst shows a hierarchical structure for how many graduates are residing in each institutional sector and their respective institutions.

Degree Level

This pie chart shows how many graduates reside in each of the degree levels.

Program Areas

This sunburst shows a hierarchical structure for how many graduates are residing in each program and their respective CIP groups.

Graduate Salary Distribution

Per Program Area
This area chart displays the normalized distribution of New Mexico dollars that are made as a whole in each of the different program areas.

Occupation areas

This sankey chart shows the flow of graduates from their degree program to the occupation area. By clicking on an individual link or node, you can get a drilldown sankey that shows more detail from degree CIP code to occupation NAICS code.
Data Source — New Mexico Department of Work Force Solutions - Unemployment Insurance - Wage Record Data